Volunteer With Us!

The Union County Rape Crisis Center is always looking for dedicated individuals who are interested in helping survivors of sexual violence.

But first...

To have a successful experience, we encourage potential volunteers to assess if the organization and its requirements are a good fit for them. Most individuals volunteer with organizations that benefit the causes they are most passionate about. This motivational factor helps the survivor commit to serving and helping the organization meet its goals. In addition to assisting an organization to further their mission, volunteering also offers a slew of benefits to the volunteer. They may include:

  • Gaining a sense of purpose
  • Gaining a sense of community
  • Meeting new friends
  • Increasing social skills
  • Improving empathy and self-esteem
  • Learning valuable skills
  • Enhancing your résumé or college application 
What are the Union County Rape Crisis Center requirements?

  • Be a resident of Union County (or surrounding county)
  • 18 years of age or older
  • Valid U.S. driver's license
  • Personal (own) means of transportation (i.e. a car)
  • Participation in an informal interview between 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday 
  • Successful completion of Advocate training, which includes attendance at all sessions
  • Commitment to volunteer for a period of at least one year
  • Commitment to signing up for at least three hotline shifts per month; one of which must be overnight.
  • Regular attendance at monthly volunteer meetings (evenings)

If you know what motivates you and are ready to commit to an organization that raises awareness and supports survivors of sexual violence, please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form and a staff member will follow-up within two (2) business days.

The Union County Rape Crisis Center is grateful for all of the volunteers who have committed to serving survivors, past, present and in the future. Without your commitment and dedication, our mission would not be possible!

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller

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