STD/HIV/Emergency Contraception Information

Survivors who have been sexually assaulted may be concerned about pregnancy,  contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD), or HIV. 

It is important to have an exam to test for possible infection as soon as possible after being assaulted. 

What are STDs?

STDs (also called sexually transmitted infections or STIs) are infections that are spread through oral, vaginal, or anal sex. Most STDs are curable if diagnosed early.

What are HIV and AIDS?

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks cells that help the body fight infection, making a person more vulnerable to other infections and diseases. AIDS is the late stage of HIV infection that occurs when the body's immune system is badly damaged because of the virus.

What is the Risk of Getting an STD or HIV from Sexual Assault?

The risk of getting an STD from sexual assault is low and the risk of being infected with HIV is extremely low. However, the survivors health and safety are an important component of self-care after a sexual assault. Below are locations that offer HIV and STD testing.

STD/HIV Testing Sites:

Iris House (Plainfield)

Neighborhood Health (Plainfield)

New Jersey Health

Planned Parenthood (Elizabeth)

Summit Health

The Lennard Clinic (Newark)

Trinitas Regional Medical Center
* New Point Campus (908) 994.7300
* Williamson St. Campus (908) 994.8517

Post Exposure Medication Assistance:

NJ Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Gilead (Truvada Manufacturer's Financial Assistance)

Sky Heart Medical

Victims of Crime Compensation Office


It is possible to prevent pregnancy after an assault with emergency contraception (also called EC) if taken within 120 hours, or five days. All New Jersey emergency health care facilities are required by law to provide EC  information to patients who have been sexually assaulted. EC services must also be provided when requested.

What is Emergency Contraception?

EC (emergency contraception) is a way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected vaginal intercourse. The most common method is in pill form (also called ECPs, or Morning After pills).

For more information, click HERE
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