Sexual Violence Effects/Impact

Sexual violence can have psychological, emotional, and physical effects on a survivor and each survivor will react in their own unique way. Some express their emotions while others prefer to keep their feelings inside. Some may tell others right away while others may wait weeks, months, or even years before sharing with anyone.

Some common emotional, psychological and physical reactions are listed below:

Emotional Reactions

Psychological Reactions

Physical Reactions

·        Guilt, shame, self-blame

·        Embarrassment

·        Fear, distrust

·        Sadness

·        Vulnerability

·        Isolation

·        Lack of control

·        Anger

·        Numbness

·        Confusion

·        Shock, disbelief

·        Denial

·        Nightmares

·        Flashbacks

·        Depression

·        Difficulty concentrating

·        Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

·        Anxiety

·        Eating disorders

·        Substance use/abuse

·        Phobias

·        Low self esteem

·        Changes in eating or sleeping patterns

·        Increased startle response

·        Migraines/headaches

·        Gastrointestinal disorders

·        Chronic pain and soreness

·        Concerns about physical safety

·        Physical injury

·        Concerns about pregnancy or STI/HIV

Depression is one of the most common reactions of rape and sexual assault that victims can experience. While it is normal for survivors to have feelings of sadness, unhappiness, and hopelessness, if these feelings extend for a period of time, it may be an indicator of depression. If these feelings begin to interfere with their daily life, survivors can often benefit from the help of a professional.

Flashbacks are when a survivor is experiencing memories of past traumas that feel as if they are taking place in the current moment. Survivors may feel like they are reliving the sexual violence all over again. and it may be difficult for them to connect with reality. These flashbacks may seem random at first until the survivor learns what their triggers are.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a Trauma and Stressor- Related disorder that can result from a traumatic event. Survivors may experience uncharacteristic feelings of stress, fear, anxiety, and nervousness. With PTSD, these feelings are extreme creating a constant sense of danger and may make it difficult to function in everyday life.

These effects aren't always easy to deal with and the healing process may be difficult and lengthy in time. But with the right help and support, they can be managed and healing can occur. Please call the Union County Rape Crisis Center at (908) 233-7273 for more information and support.

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