Legal Resources

 Central Jersey Legal Services  (908) 354-4340

Central Jersey Legal Services is a nonprofit law firm that offers free legal help in civil (non-criminal) cases for low-income residents of Mercer, Middlesex, and Union Counties.

  • Housing Problems: Eviction, foreclosure, rent collection, tenant repair issues, Section 8 and other public housing problems, and housing discrimination.
  • Family Matters: Help for victims of domestic violence, divorce, child custody, support and visitation.
  • Consumer Problem: Bankruptcy, collections, credit access, utility billing/shut-offs, unfair sales practices, and consumer fraud.
  • Public Benefits and Employment: Benefits such as TANF, GA, SSI/SSD, and Food Stamps. Unemployment, and pay for benefits withholding.
  • Health & Education:  Medicaid/Medicare, Charity Care, prescription drug coverage, private insurance, and access to health care. Residency.
  • Senior Citizens: Powers of attorney, wills, guardianship, nursing homes and other health care issues.

Community Health Law Project (908) 355-8282 

  • Public Entitlements: Supplemental Security Income, Social Security Disability Benefits, County and Municipal Welfare, Emergency Assistance, Food Stamps, Medicaid, Medicare and other health insurance benefits, as well as fee-for-service and managed health care disputes
  • Housing Advocacy: Habitability, landlord-tenant issues
  • Consumer Law: Debt collection, bankruptcy, contracts
  • Family Law: Child support, visitation, domestic violence
  • Discrimination: Housing, employment, education, and public accommodations
  • Barrier-Free accessibility
  • Advance directives and living wills
  • Outreach and support for persons with disabilities

NJ Crime Victims Law Center (973) 903-9848

The New Jersey Crime Victims Law Center (VLC) provides pro bono legal assistance to victims of violent crime in the criminal justice system throughout the State of New Jersey.

Partners (973) 233-0111

Partners offers free legal help to low-income victims in Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Passaic, and Union County. We help domestic violence victims secure restraining orders and sexual assault victims secure protective orders. We also assist with child and spousal support, visitation and custody, as well as post-judgment relief matters. Our legal assistance includes extensive advice and counsel and assistance with preparation of court papers for self-represented victims or representation by a pro bono attorney or by a Partners staff attorney.

  • Law Enforcement: An officer is assigned to the Family Justice Center Monday thru Friday to:
    • Provide a safe and secure environment
    • Meet with victims to offer information on legal processes
    • Complete intake incident reports for new incidents
    • Collect evidence and take photos
    • Obtain police reports
    • Transport victims as necessary
  • Union County Prosecutor's Office: An Assistant Prosecutor is available to:
    • Discuss cases in a private and safe location
    • Assist with other legal issues
    • Prepare victim for court proceedings
  • Victim/Witness Advocacy
  • Court Advocacy

U.C. Prosecutor's Office/Office of Victim Witness Advocacy (908) 527-4596

The Union County Prosecutor's Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy provides support to victims and witnesses of crimes in Union County by providing information, advocacy and community outreach in order to help make their participation in the criminal justice system less difficult and burdensome. The goal is to empower survivors of crime and the families of crime victims through supportive efforts to ensure that they are treated with dignity, compassion and respect in the aftermath of a crime.

Provides compensation to victims of violent crime for some expenses they suffer as a result of the crime.

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